In 1469, Margaret, the daughter of the king of Denmark, Norway and Sweden, married King Jamed V of Scotland. Her father could not afford to to pay the dowry in cash and so pledged his island archipelagos of Orkney and Shetland as security. Three years later the dowry was still unpaid, and James Vcalled in the debt.
(1469年、デンマーク、ノルウェー、スウェーデンの王の娘マーガレットは、スコットランドのジェームズ3世王と結婚しました。彼女の父は持参金を現金で支払う余裕がありませんでしたので、オークニー諸島とシェトランド諸島という島々を担保として差し出しました。しかし、3年後もまだ持参金は支払われておらず、ジェームズ3世は借金の返済を求めました。 )
The islands, about 30 miles north of the Scottish mainland, have been part of Scotland ever since. Part of it, but distinct: Both Orkney and Shetland have long considered the government in Edinburgh almost as remote as that in London.
(これらの島々は、スコットランド本土の北約30マイルに位置し、それ以来ずっとスコットランドの一部となっています。一部ではありますが、独自性も保っています。オークニーとシェトランドの両方とも、エディンバラの政府をほぼロンドンと同じくらい遠い存在とみなしてきました。 )
"So it wasn't a complete shock here when this summer, the Orkney Islands local authority approved a motion to explore "options for greater subsidiarity and autonomy" and "Nordic connections." Reporters breathlessly pondered the possibility that the islands would soon swap rule from Edinburgh and London for Oslo."
(だからこそ、今年の夏、オークニー諸島の地方自治体が、「より大きな権限委譲と自治の選択肢」と「北欧とのつながり」を探るための提案を承認した際、これはは完全な衝撃ではありませんでした。報道陣は興奮気味に、これによって島々がエディンバラとロンドンからの支配をオスロに代える可能性を熱心に推測しました。 )
In reality, no such constitutional rearrengement is likely, or even really desired. Orkney's oblique overtures to Norway are, as odd as it sounds, further evidence that the United Kingdom's integrity is more secure than it has been for a long time."
(実際のところ、そのような憲法の修正は起こりにくい、あるいは好ましくはない。オークニーのノルウェーへ傾むこうとする提案は、奇妙なことに、イギリスの統合力が今まで以上に安定しているという証拠です。 )
The bloom is truly off the Scottish National Party, which has continued to dominate political life here in the almost decade since it lost the independence referendum.
The party has held majorities in the devolved Parliament and in the Scottish seats at Westminster, and a volley of opinion polls, routinely reporting that Scots under the age of 49 favor independence bolstered the sense that Scottish independence was a historical inevitability. Time, the nationalists argued, was on their side.
The last year has been a chastening experience.
(去年は厳しい年でした。 )
In February, Nicola Sturgeon, first minister since 2014, unexpectedly announced her resignation and was almost immediately embroiled in a scandal over the party’s financial affairs. In June, she was arrested and released without charge pending further investigation. But news reports continue to suggest that she and her husband, the party’s former chief executive、might be charged. Ms. Sturgeon insists that she is innocent of any wrongdoing.
But even before the allegations Ms. Stugeon’s plans for independence had run out of steam. The first minister had wanted to hold a second referendum but did not have the British government’s approval, and Britain’s Supreme Court ruled in November that the Scottish government could not hold a referendum unilaterally. At. First, Ms. Stugeon argued that the next general election, expected next year, would instead serve as a de facto referendum ? if her party won a majority of votes cast in Scotland, it would start negotiating Scotland’s way out of the United Kingdom.
The plan was unworkable. Even if the Scottish National Party won more than 50 percent of the vote it still had no legal mechanism to require the British government to accept its interpretation of the result. And if it failed, it would have had its second referendum, and lost.
(その計画は実行不可能でした。スコットランド国民党が選挙で50%以上の得票を獲得したとしても、それによって英国政府に対して結果の解釈を受け入れる法的メカニズムは存在しませんでした。そして、もし計画が失敗した場合、2回目の国民投票を行い、敗北することになるでしょう。 )
The energy and momentum that had sustained the party’s remarkable decade started to drain away. Support for the nationalists has dropped by around 10 points since December, and recent polls suggest that the party, which won 48 of Scotland’s 59 constituencies at the last election, could lose as many as 20 to a resurgent Labour Party at the next one.(Ms. Sturgeon’s lackluster successor, Humza Yousaf, has not revitalized the movement.)?
(党の驚くべき10年間を支えてきたエネルギーと勢いが徐々に失われ始めました。ナショナリストへの支持は12月以来約10ポイント減少し、最近の世論調査によると、前回の選挙でスコットランドの59選挙区のうち48選挙区を制した党が、次回の選挙で20選挙区以上を復活する労働党に失う可能性があると示唆されています(スタージョン氏の後継者であるフムザ・ユーサフは、運動に活力を与えていません) )
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Scotland voted against Brexit in 2016 while Britain-chiefly England-opted to leave. Ms. Sturgeon convincingly argued in the aftermath that Scotland was a hostage in an unequal union from which it was denied any means escape.
(こうなるはずではありませんでした。スコットランドは2016年のBrexit投票で反対の意を示しましたが、主にイングランドが離脱を選択しました。スタージョン氏はその後の状況で、スコットランドが不平等な連合の中で人質とされ、逃れる手段を一切奪われていると強く主張しました。 )
But Brexit has proved a cautionary misadventure. If existing the European Union has been more complicated than its supporters advertised, then unraveling the more than 300-year old Act of Union would be fiendishly difficult.
If Brexit proved a glide path to relative national impoverishment, Scottish independence might also ? at least in the short to medium term ? deliver much less than its boosters promise.
And if Britain erecting trade barriers with its largest market,? the European Union, was an act of economic selfharm, then how can anyone argue that raising them between Scotland and the rest of the United Kingdom is otherwise?
In short, Brexit simplified the political argument for independence, but complicated its practical delivery. Scottish nationalism is a matter of utility; it must deliver a better, more prosperous future. “Freedom” will not suffice.
(要するに、Brexitは独立の政治的な論点を簡素化しましたが、その実際の実施を複雑にしました。スコットランドのナショナリズムは実用的な問題です。より良く、より繁栄した未来をもたらす必要があります。“自由”だけでは十分ではありません。 )
It’s also worth noting that a decade of constitutional drama has left people exhausted. Polling confirms that Scots accept second independence referendum as an abstract matter for some undermined date, but recoil from a referendum soon.
A battle postponed, then, but not conceded. The idea of Scottish independence will always have an emotional resonance and, if all other matters were equal, re-establishing a distinct Scottish state might enjoy majority support. On occasions it has done so, and even recently around 40 percent of Scots still supported independence, at least as a notional proposition. As the novelist John Buchan once put it, “I believe every Scotsman should be a Scottish nationalist.”?
(それゆえ、戦いは延期されましたが、まだ降伏はしていません。スコットランドの独立のアイデアは常に感情的な響きを持ちますし、他のすべての事柄が等しい場合、独立したスコットランド国家を再建することは多数派の支持を受けるかもしれません。場合によっては、そのような支持があったこともあり、最近では約40%のスコットランド人が少なくとも概念的な提案として独立を支持しています。小説家のジョン・ブカンはかつて「私はすべてのスコットランド人がスコットランド民族主義者であるべきだと信じています」と述べました。 )
But as Buchan, unionist, also knew, it’s possible to be a Scottish nationalist without embracing? independence . Scottish nationalism lies on a spectrum and even unionist politicians and voters often consider themselves guardians of the Scottish interest, albeit within the United Kingdom.
For the moment at least, Orkney ? and the rest of Scotland ? will remain in Britain but not altogether of Britain: Scottish but with no urgent need for the accouterments and unknowable complications of an independent state. The settled will of the Scottish people is to remain a profoundly unsettled people.
(少なくとも今のところ、オークニー―そしてスコットランド全体―はイギリスに留まりますが、完全にイギリスの一部ではありません:スコットランドのままですが、独立国家の装飾品や予測不能な複雑さへの緊急の必要はありません。スコットランド人の定まった意志は、根本的には定まらない人々のままであることです。 ) |